Monday, August 29, 2011


This song will take over your brain and leave you with nothing but SWEAT AND BLOOD... I really don't know what that even means, but it sounds cool. Here it is! THEH!!!



I don't feel like typing. With my hands. So here's my foot talking. yhutttttttttyiu87yu7yikoiu8 fgpo00pop;. That was my attempt at typing Bunnies. You can try, but it will never be as cool as mine >:D!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!


Arghhh I barely have any time to post for you weehdos D:! I have to practice my violin until my fingers are dead, do my homework, do my OTHER homework, eat, and then when I'm done, it's like 8:30 PM. No time to stare into a flashlight and run away from elephants that are trying to steal my knees D:. Elephants are mean.


I'm about to go to school, but I wanted to say..... uh.... I'll TRY to post more :P. More fun things. Like chairs. Chairs are cool. Ok bye I have to go -.-

Monday, August 1, 2011

Hilo XD?

Sorry I haven't been posting in a loooooooong time. I guess I forgot to post? But it's not like anyone reads this blog anyway XD. Except unicorns. But they don't count. Um... so errrrr. I'll edit this and put more stuff on this later I guess?