Thursday, September 29, 2011



You know like when someone is about to die and another person is crying and saying, "Please don't die!" or something like that? Then the person dies and the other person is like "NOOOOOOO!!!" and starts crying.

So what I'LL do is when I'm about to die and people are telling me not to die, I'll just PRETEND to be dead, and everyone will cry. Then I open my eyes and say, "I'M STILL ALIVE, SILLY :D!". Then everyone's face will be like -.- and :D combined.

OPTIONAL - Pretend to be dead again.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I have earwax *o*

*Goes into commercial man for Geico mode* Does playing the trumpet REALLY matter? I guess so O.o? Blah blah blah something something. JUST WATCH THIS >:P. It'ssssss funnnnnnnnny :D!!!

I am now a professional trumpeter.


DANCE PARTY!!! Ok no not really -.- I DANCE SOLO. Uh... with other people too :D. THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE >:O. I don't care -.- Okee so me and Britney (And Truc too if she wants :P) are gonna DANCE >:P. To this song. OMG THAT'S A SONG :O. Okee anyways here it is XD.

ROLY POLY! ROLY ROLY POLY! Deh neh neh neh... You don't know the words do you? ... Shhh -.-!

Saturday, September 17, 2011


I have no idea what THE LEGEND OF ZELDA is, but this is funny so WATCH IT >:P!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Tom's Dad

Weird conversation. They said it in Vietnamese so I translated it for you.

Tom's dad - What did you learn in school today?
Tom - I don't know.
Tom's dad - Hm. How many times did you raise your hand today? (LOL WTH XD?)
Tom - 7. (O.o He counted?)
Tom's dad - Oh ok good... Are you telling the truth?
Tom - Yes.
Tom's dad - Are you sure?
Tom - Yes!
Tom's dad - *Changes subject* You need to be as good as Hayley. (Really. That's what he said.) She get all As.
Tom - Ok.

And then Tom's dad keeps on talking about how Tom should be as good as me some more until he got to my house and dropped me off.