Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Zeh Hungreh?

You know the Hunger Games movie? That's coming out in 2012? TOO LONG FOR YOU?!? THAT'S OKAY!!! Cause nowww we are making a super unprofessional movie of the book! AND IT'S COMING OUT... *Asks Britney when it's coming out*... okay it's coming out in like...

Britney - Um... probably in February.
Me - Ok.

It's coming out in 3 days.

AND IT'S SUPER AWESOME BECAUSE I'M THE RECORDER :D! Since no one else in our group of unprofessionals records as good as ME!

The Cast-trophee.
Recorder - Me.
Recorder - Me.
Awesome person - Me.
Everyone else - Truc, Cindy, John, and... hm... who else? Oh yeah Britney. Bahhh her XD.