Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Party

After I went to the competition thingy, we picked up Truc and Cindy to go see Gnomeo and Juliet in 3D :D! Too bad we were 15 minutes late or something. It was good anyway XD. Then after that, we went back to my house and arm wrestled (Idk?) and did little contest thingies to see who could stand on 1 leg the longest. THENNN after that we went to the park with the tire swings. The tire swings were taken so we went to go on the swings, but they were taken too >:P. When the people on the swings got off, we went on and swang... and watched the tire swing people to see if they got off. Then Truc got the idea to get on the to go on the horse thingy and pretend like we're having SOOO much fun and that they would get off and play that too. It didn't work. When they FINALLY got off (By me asking if we could play XD) we went on. The tire swing people decided to push us and Truc kept saying, "We can push ourselves! Hayley stand up!". It was kinda sorta embarrassing XD. Then after we went home, Truc decided to practice Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on my violin. I kept having to help her play it right :P. After that we were bored so I showed Cindy OurWorld and I helped make an account for her. She liked it. Well actually she liked the games on there. She kept playing Flo's Diner or whatever it was called. Then my mom called us to sing Happy Birthday to me and eat cake. Truc and Britney kept saying that they hated cake, but they (I don't know if Britney did) ate the cake anyway. I ate 2 big pieces. So yeah that's all. BYEE!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Violin Solo Thingy

I had a sort of competition thingy today at like 9:10, but I overslept (Cause I stayed up to 1:00 or something :P) to 9:00 XD. So blah blah running around getting my violin, putting on clothes, yelling at Triney that she was fat, and telling my dad to hurry up. When we got to Bowie (Where the competition was), it was 9:19. I walked around randomly, not knowing where to go (How would you know where to go in a school you've never been to?) until a Bowie person asked me if I was in the competition thingy and told me to go in the practice room and that they would call me to play soon. So yeah I did, but I only got to practice for like, only 45 seconds until they called me to go play for the judge. I messed up D:. Well only once. I just had to play the line again XD. She (The judge) said that I just needed a shoulder rest (Who cares about "lifting your violin higher so you don't look at the ground"? I wasn't even LOOKING at the ground!), but the rest was really good. I went back to the practicing room to practice some more cause I had NO IDEA what to do next after I've played. Then my Orchestra teacher walked up to give me a medal thingy and said that I could go home now and that she would give me my scores on Monday. I walked out of the practice room and looked for my dad. He wasn't there. I waited for like 4000 HOURS until the Bowie person from before asked me if I wanted to use a cellphone (Cause my dad didn't get me one yet) to call my dad. So I did and called, but nobody picked up. Then 5 seconds later or something, my dad called back. I told him to pick me up and then I went outside to wait for him. While I waited for him I saw this REALLY cute little birdy. It kept jumping around and made this really cute noise. Then it flew away. So yeah when my dad came I asked him why he took so long and he said that Britney was SCARED at being home alone and that she called her friend in Canada then she went outside. That was the stupidest reason I've ever heard :P.
Oh yeah and I'm gonna go watch Gnomeo and Juliet in 3D with Truc, Cindy, and maybe Britney and then go home and do something else for my party :P.

Friday, February 25, 2011


Herro! So yeah I felt like making this blog on my birthday XD. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME. Oh wait I'm singing alone... I'm not even singing... OH WELL :D!!!
Okay so this blog won't be about any game, but I'll probably mention Pico. Sometimes. Maybe.