Tuesday, May 3, 2011


My mom's trying to make me go to some STUPID school called Westsomethingorsomething:P. She says they are "the best school in Austin". NO MY SCHOOL RIGHT NOW IS THE BEST! If she makes me go there, I'll try to FAIL! Yeah and if she makes me go again, I'll try to fail again until she makes me go back to my regular school. Then after school, she'll make me walk home to this tutor's place! AND THERE IS NO STUPID COMPUTER THERE APPARENTLY!!! She wants me to go to this weird ugly school because she thinks I have no friends! OMG SERIOUSLY??? Just cause I don't talk at school much, doesn't mean I have no stupid friends! I have like *counts fingers* 7 friends! Yeah I don't like having a lot of friends :P. ANYWAYS BYEE!!! OFF TO IMAGINING WAYS TO GET SUSPENDED OR FAILING JUST IN CASE :D!!!

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