Thursday, May 5, 2011


Yes I know it's not Valentines Day anymore, but you can still throw flowers at bunnies and squirrels. That wasn't what I was gonna talk about though :P. You know how when you go onto Blogger and they show you little snippets of the post? Sometimes they cut off words too. So yeah just read the picture XD.

(Picture not shown. Just use your imagination)

Yeah see the last word? The word was cut off and that happened <.< LOL XD. Here's what it really says, "booboo and skin so sad that when you hurt you have a booboo on your skin! ". Oh and that post wasn't by me (Picture isn't me) :P. That is my cousin Truc/Tracy. She just looks like me. Here's the link to her post! Click on it if you want to read the rest of her uh confusing post XD.

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