Monday, July 11, 2011

Staying Up Late

Last night, me and Britney tried to beat our record of 3 AM for staying up late. Britney didn't make it :P. I stayed up until 6 AM (Not exactly XD). Then I woke up a few minutes later to go play computer. I got sleepy while watching a few videos and went back to bed. Then when I woke up, Britney said it was 6 (Not exactly :P). I thought that I slept for HOURS, so I guessed that  I didn't sleep that long then O.o So I went to go brush my teeth, and Britney asked why I was brushing my teeth. She said that it was 6 PM not AM. Then I was like no it isn't, and she showed me the time on her iPuch (iPod Touch). So yeah random post :P. Byee!

EDITYY - This is a suckish post -.-

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Britney downloaded this weird app where you record yourself talking normally and then the app thingy turns it into a song. Here's our about to be super famous song called Ninjaa. Here are the lyrics.

Britney - Say something.
Me - Um... dg;l'sgdr;lfgkds;fgdsb'd;fxvbld'gf;dgfdfgd;rdvgf
Britney - Okay poop (I don't think she was calling me poop :P)!

So yeah. Hope you like the song and make that song be played at your funeral or something :P.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Say What?!

There's this awesome blog called Say What?! SO FOLLOW IT!!! AND HER OTHER BLOG TOO!!! And uh this too :D. So follow those blogs! ... Now. OH WAIT!!!

My cousin's sister. So cute :3. But really weird O.o

Awesome Pictahs :O

I found these really funny pictures and I wanted to show them to you :D. I would've put the link on here, but some of the pictures are just... GROSS. So ENJOY OR SOMETHING :D!!!

So yeah that's a lot of pictures, but you likey, right?

Sunday, July 3, 2011


I was gonna post this yesterday, but I got home from Chu Camp at like 6:40 PM and then I had to get changed and go swimming. When I got home from swimming, I forgot to post, and then when I remembered, I was too tired to post (Tiring day :P?). So yeah. Um I guess I'll start from the beginning?

July 1st
My mom woke me up to go the the gym with her (Even though I was way too tired and didn't wanna go), after a few minutes of working out, I realized that it was JULY 1st! The day that Chu camp started (I think in the morning? I don't know). I was planning to tell Truc (If she was at my house. She was coming too) when I got home, but my dad wasn't there to pick me up so I had to wait for HOURS (Literally.) so I told Truc and she got upset or something. Then we got dressed to go swimming. When we got to the pool, (We got disgusted by these girls and boys in a circle JUST TALKING. Nothing but TALKING. And taking up way too much space. Isn't that stupid?) Cindy wasn't there. She always goes swimming with us. ALWAYS. Well, in the summer so far. So me and Truc assumed that she was at Chu camp (She was gonna go to Chu camp too.). When I got home from swimming, I told my mom that Chu camp started today and then she told me that we could go right now so I told Britney that and we both got really excited. Then I asked what we had to bring, but my mom didn't know so we called my grandma. She said that we didn't have to bring anything and then after some more talking, we figured out that Cindy didn't go to Chu camp. My mom only said that we could go because she thought that Cindy was there. Cindy didn't go because our grandma couldn't pick her up. So my mom said that I could go early in the morning.

July 2nd
I woke up at 5:30 and changed my clothes and woke Britney up so she could change her clothes. My mom said that we would eat breakfast with Truc and Cindy (Oh and John too). Then my mom gave me ORANGE JUICE (We ran out of milk). I HATE ORANGE JUICE. It's just DISGUSTING, you know? She said that I HAVE to drink it or else I can't go. Orange juice has calcium and vitamin D or something I think. Milk has calcium which I could drink at Truc's house. The sun gives you vitamin D I think? So ORANGE JUICE is basically useless. And disgusting. So after staring at the cup of orange juice and being grossed out by it for many minutes, my mom tried to get my cup or something. When I gave it to her, SHE DROPPED IT AND BLAMED IT ON ME. What's worse is that the ORANGE JUICE GOT ON MY SKIN!!! So I had to change my clothes. So blah blah I started fake crying (I'm pretty good at that :D) to annoy my mom so when I got to Truc's house, Truc, Cindy, and John were wondering why I was crying. I just told them that I hate orange juice. Okee fast forward time. Truc gave us hats (No idea why), we went in a really big van thingy, talked on the way there, got to Chu, I got stung by what I thought was a wasp on the side on my hand, Truc got stung by a bee on her arm, picked up some VERY ANNOYING WAY TOO SERIOUS people, talked on the way to the lake or river thing, Britney and Truc started singing, the annoying people told us to SHUT UP or else they'd shoot us, did the pottery dance (Truc meant potty dance, but it sounded like pottery dance), got floaty thingies, got into the river/lake thingy (We were the first ones :D), tried to go faster, but noooo our floaty thingies had to be tied to an adult who told us to WAIT, we got our buttocks (Only Chị Truc has a butt! Lol strange joke :P) wet (We didn't wear swimsuits. We wore normal clothes, but so did everybody else.), splashed John and Tom (Tom's our cousin) with our shoes (Cindy was wearing tennis shoes so she couldn't), were the first ones to finish, got out the river/lake thing, watched the people on the waterfall with jealousy (It looked SUPER FUN.), played badminton (Kinda like tennis, but WAAAAY better) with John, Tom, and this kid named Anthony (Not Anthony our cousin. A different Anthony.), then we had to stop because of some "important" guy saying that we had to wait until after we eat to play (Stupid right?), ate pineapple pizza without the pineapples (The only had pineapple and weird black circle things and something else) and drank something that was orange (Not orange juice), played Tuggawar (That's what I call Tug-Of-War which doesn't sound right.), Truc lost against Anthony (ONLY because of her arm that the bee stung), I won against Tom (Cause I work out at the gym?), played a game where you hold a spoon in your mouth and scoop up as many Skittles as you can in a bowl that your partner is holding and walk to another bowl and drop the Skittles in, then you run back and switch places with your partner, me and Truc won 1st place, Cindy and Britney won 2nd place, Me and Truc did a three-legged race and got 2nd place :P, played badminton some more, went back to Truc's house, washed my foot, waited for everyone else to take a shower, and then went home.