Monday, July 11, 2011

Staying Up Late

Last night, me and Britney tried to beat our record of 3 AM for staying up late. Britney didn't make it :P. I stayed up until 6 AM (Not exactly XD). Then I woke up a few minutes later to go play computer. I got sleepy while watching a few videos and went back to bed. Then when I woke up, Britney said it was 6 (Not exactly :P). I thought that I slept for HOURS, so I guessed that  I didn't sleep that long then O.o So I went to go brush my teeth, and Britney asked why I was brushing my teeth. She said that it was 6 PM not AM. Then I was like no it isn't, and she showed me the time on her iPuch (iPod Touch). So yeah random post :P. Byee!

EDITYY - This is a suckish post -.-

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