Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year?

I went to the Vietnamese mall or something. While I was there, I really really needed to go poop, but I couldn't find the bathroom D:! I walked all over the place, but I couldn't find it! I also ate Takis :D. TAKIS ARE THE ONLY SPICY THINGS THAT I LIKE >:P. Cause everything else is weird tasting. I bought 9 boxes of Pop Pops. Pop Pops are like these cool things that you throw on the ground (Or your sister's face) to make this really loud noise. I also bought this bunny stuffed animal thing that I call Pikachu.

I was originally gonna call it Peekaboo, but Triney didn't like it when I called it Pikachu so yeah >:D.

We stayed at my mom's friend's house and my mom's friend's son is really weird (He's 5 I think?). When I first went into my mom's friend's house, he had no pants on. When I just looked at his crayons, he came over and said, "THIS SHI MINE!" and pushed all of his crayons off the table. Then when I went into a room that we were gonna sleep in, he went over to a pillow that I was about to sleep on, and pulled it away and yelled, "THIS SHI MINE!!!".

And that's what we did in Houston... without the boring stuff.

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