Thursday, March 8, 2012


Herloo. I KNOW I haven't been posting a lot, but I put waaay too many of those "Oh sorry I haven't been posting a lot" posts, and I KNOW you people are tired of those. Right? Maybe? No? Idk :P. ANYWAYYY it's because I rejoined Pico XD. After quitting and rejoining and quiting again and the rejoining AGAIN and then quitting ONCE AGAIN! I rejoined XD. Heh. Heh. And if I DID post, when I was srill playing Pico, it would go like this - 

OMG There was a new Challenge and it's only 3 times! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??? It's gonna take me so long to finish it. AND Pico lowered the Allotment thingy so it's even less now! Well bye I'm gonna start right now if I want to finish it.


YAY! I finished the Challenge! The clothes look kind of ugly though so I don't think I'm gonna wear it XD. Even though I spent like 3 days (Day AND night) playing Slots to get it :P. I COULD wear it to fashion shows, but I rarely go to those.

See? You people wouldn't understand a thing I say XD. Unless you're from Pico. BUTTTTT Lol you said BUTT. LOLOLOLOLOLOL. no one reads my blog anyway XD. Except for those times when people think I'm interesting enough to stalk and they go to my blog, thinking that I post where I live (On the Earth. In the U.S.).


There's Kiki :D! ISN'T HE SO CUTE??? He's covered in dirt and his poop. And his beard is dirty. KWSDAFIASCKASDCDCASDCS. SO CUTE. *Huggles* :D.

Oh yeah that's my panda hat. Now he's... PANDA DOG! See?

Ees a game on zee iPod. LINK!

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