Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Stupid Teacher...

My stupid teacher... well no not really a teacher... more like a teacher helper or something, but she doesn't help AT ALL. She's like "STOP RUNNING!!!" when I GOT OUT OF MY CHAIR QUICKLY. Oh yeah and the bell for lunch just rang. Seriously? And then she's like "I see you running in the halls on the cameras". I mean I appreciate her stalking me on cameras and everything, but can she not tell the difference between FAST WALKING and RUNNING?!? They're like 2 totally different things! Ugh and then she's like "The lunch's not that amazing". SHE DOESN'T KNOW ANYTHING. Who said I thought the lunch was amazing? Stupid teacher helpers just ASSUME things. Ok um er comment if something like this happened to you or not XD? OKEE BYEE.


  1. XD U'VE GOT A NEW FOLLOWER CUZ I ALWAYS LOL @ UR POSTS..A break from all those middle aged old pplz writing blogs about their frickin baby's poop or somethin' >_< hmm..yh...pfftt support teachers..*evil*...told me to stop talking in lessons when i wasn't *grrrrr*..check out my blog too :)
