Thursday, April 21, 2011

Weird Things About Me XD

Yeah I'm weird and I am REALLY bored so yeah :D.
I fall asleep while playing computer :P.
I ring the doorbell repeatedly (Dingdingdingdingdingding!) until someone opens the door :P.
I set my alarms to 5:30 and 5:40 AM :3.
I look down at the keyboard when I'm typing even though I don't need to :P.
Instead of saying stomach or tummy, I say stummy :D. Like "I HAVE A STUMMY ACHE D:!!!".
I don't like singing with my regular voice so I just sing it with a different voice XD.
I usually don't talk AT ALL during school :P.
I don't like touching plastic.
I like being barefoot.
I'm really short small (I can still fit in my 4th grade T-shirts) :P.
Ok so yeah that's all I could think of XD.


  1. Join the shorty club ^_^

  2. You mean the one that make sounds when you press them? Oh and I fell asleep while playing computer too. Once. Okay, twice.
