Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday Zee 13th!

Yeah it's FRIDAY! And the 13th! And that's supposed to be a bad thing I think O.o? I'm not sure why people are scared about that though :P. See look! "According to a report at National Geographic, some people are so paralyzed with fear they simply won't get out of bed." Lol they won't get out of their bed XD? Oh yeah a monster is gonna jump out under your bed and start eating you! Yeah... no offense to you if you ARE too afraid off getting out of bed right now. If you are, call your fat annoying sister to come and then get off of your bed so if the monster DOES come out, it'll eat her instead. Are you off yet? If you're dead, then um too bad. If NOTHING came, tell your sister to look for a crayon and run away.

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