Monday, May 30, 2011

POH >:P.

SOWWIOS that I haven't been posting a lot. It's cause my computer is messed up (So is this keyboard D:). When I try to post on my computer, the typing in place keeps loading FOREVER. Do you know how long FOREVER is? It means longer than about 1 hour (Which is like how long I waited)! That's just WAAAAY too long for me to wait. So that's why I'm here now, typing on this messed up keyboard. See? I have to go through all of this *Points to keyboard then to Britney* D:. LOL she doesn't notice me pointing at her XD. MWAHAHAHA *Points at her again* >:D. Eh well she noticed me, but oh well :P. Err okees so uh I'll SORTA tell you what I was gonna post XD.

Thursday - Party in the class. Won a award for quietest person in class (No duh :P). My friend Raz and Rawr's buthday! So give them a banananananana or something :D! It's over a long time ago dummy. *Thinks* Huh. Well you can't really do that so IMAGINE yourself doing that :D! About all that happened on that day that I could think of.

Friday - NUTTIN.

Sattodae - Went to Truc's house. WE WERE VERY INNOCENT KIDS THAT DAY. We didn't play with matches and steal diamonds *Cough* Shiny looking rocks <.< *Cough* and bury them :D (Innocent smile). Then we drew :P. DRAWING IS FUN TOO :D.

Sunday - Watched KUNG FU PANDA 2! Would've been better with some popcorn and stuff, but yeah :P. Then after my mom WASHED MY HAIR LIKE 4 TIMES, BRITNEY'S TOO, and GAVE TRINEY A BATH, we went to Book Store (It's actually called Barnes & Noble, but that's boring). Then we went to Truc's house. We you know, like always went crazy and burned the house down. Not a big deal. LOL XD. Nah I'm just kidding, but you knew so BLAH FOR YOU.

Today? Boring.

SO YEAH. I'll tell my dad to fix my computer, if it doesn't work, then I'll try to post more on this stupid computer D:.

1 comment:

  1. uh yo should tell moere how we burn the house down no but tell more about burning
