Thursday, June 2, 2011


Um ok my computer is STILL not fixed so I have to post late on this computer again D:. Okees so on yesterday (Last day of school), I spread shaving cream on the table (With my friend Raz), ate popcorn (I got fourths when we were only supposed to get seconds), wrote random words way too colorfully, watched the beginnings of 2 movies, and played the Thingamabob game (That's what it was really called XD). Oh yeah the Thingamabob game is kinda boring. There are 7 teams and we have to try to sell the most Thingamabobs without killing the Earth. My team was called the Tingly Cows (I wanted it to be called the Tingly Feet, but my friends wanted Moocow so yeah we mixed it up XD). We lost. Cause we're so nice.