Friday, June 24, 2011

Baby Talk O.o

So you know in Pico (Hey followers not from Pico, you can skip if you want :P) how people wanting to be adopted say the most annoying things? Like for exam-puh-leh - Mwommy I'm swo annwoying wight? It makes me wanna STAB THEM IN THE EYE >:D!!! STABBY STAB STAB. Stabbing is fun :D. Okay well no I've never stabbed someone YET, but I haven't gotten the chance to yet. I think it's fun though. Like Rebbeca Black. FUN FUN FUN? NO NOT LIKE REBECCA BLACK. IT'S LIKE PARRY GRIPP!!! Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah (Listen to the song first!)! Okay way off topic :D. Anyways, if you see a person doing that, STAB THEM IN THE EYE FOR ME >:D!!! MWAHAHAHA!!! And if you are the one doing that, STOP and STAB YOURSELF IN THE EYE. Cause babies don't talk like that. That talk like this! So byee :D. Hmmm maybe I should add more Es... Okay. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D!

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