Friday, June 24, 2011

Jello Dance Time!

Hey guess what :D! No really guess. I'll wait for you... Done? Okee you probably didn't guess, did you? No. Sooo... START GUESSING :D!!! ... Done? Okees well I'm PRETTY SURE YOU DIDN'T GUESS. But since I'm uh so nice (:D?) I'll tell you anyway :P. I can post on my computer now :D! SO YOU BETTER BE DEAD WITH EXCITEMENT RIGHT NOW XD!!! Cause I choked on my gum when I found out and died. Short post, but... I just came to say HELLO :D!!! Britney's obsessed with that song >.> (She's playing it over and over again). But I don't know why you say goodbye. I SAY HELLO :D!!! So like hello.

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