Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Bleeblah remember the post where I said that me and Britney were gonna dance to a weird song called Roly Poly? Well here's a video of Truc, Britney Cindy, and I actually dancing XD. I'm not gonna tell you who I am of course >:P.

Here's the link since the video thingy won't work -.-



  1. Since you told that you cut your hair before, and it can't grow that much fast, so, you must be the one with pink AND white or the one with white and letters or sentences or whatever. I thought that you're the white pink one. Or if you don't really dance well, you're the white one. MAYBE...???

  2. :O you dont think the white one doesnt dance very well??!!?!?!!?!!? its her first time (not saying its hayley

  3. plus which one do you think dances best? :D

  4. thats because i won the other one :)) and i couldnt win again lol

  5. Hm.. I'm not teasing or what just sayin' cause she looked a bit tired. Or not excited. JUST SAYIIIIIIINNNGG
    Um... maybe the two girls in front. Sorry if I didn't say correctly....................... >,<

  6. Ok fine. I'll just tell you that the one with the shortest hair is not me XD. That's Cindy and that's like her 2nd time trying to do the dance. She didn't want to do it, but we bribed her with chili powder XD.
