Thursday, November 10, 2011

Plop plop plop plop!

Hi. GUESS WHAT! I got a Wii. But that's not the point. My mom thinks that dancing would help her and us be fit so she also bought Just Dance 3 with it (She doesn't even play it though. She just watches us dance.). I was just playing random songs and then I landed on Promiscuous. I played it and I was like, I LIKE THIS. Cause it was easy (To me XD) and I liked the tune. Then I got 5 stars (Which basically means you dance better than Britney by a lot.) and that made Promiscuous my favorite song. Then I searched what promiscuous meant and then... it's not my favorite song anymore D':. I will never look at it the same again XD.

Oh don't even search what it means okay XD? Great. Now people are gonna search what it means and then hide under their beds in fear for the rest of their lives. <.< Shhh. People aren't supposed to know that that was my plan all along.

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