Monday, May 30, 2011

POH >:P.

SOWWIOS that I haven't been posting a lot. It's cause my computer is messed up (So is this keyboard D:). When I try to post on my computer, the typing in place keeps loading FOREVER. Do you know how long FOREVER is? It means longer than about 1 hour (Which is like how long I waited)! That's just WAAAAY too long for me to wait. So that's why I'm here now, typing on this messed up keyboard. See? I have to go through all of this *Points to keyboard then to Britney* D:. LOL she doesn't notice me pointing at her XD. MWAHAHAHA *Points at her again* >:D. Eh well she noticed me, but oh well :P. Err okees so uh I'll SORTA tell you what I was gonna post XD.

Thursday - Party in the class. Won a award for quietest person in class (No duh :P). My friend Raz and Rawr's buthday! So give them a banananananana or something :D! It's over a long time ago dummy. *Thinks* Huh. Well you can't really do that so IMAGINE yourself doing that :D! About all that happened on that day that I could think of.

Friday - NUTTIN.

Sattodae - Went to Truc's house. WE WERE VERY INNOCENT KIDS THAT DAY. We didn't play with matches and steal diamonds *Cough* Shiny looking rocks <.< *Cough* and bury them :D (Innocent smile). Then we drew :P. DRAWING IS FUN TOO :D.

Sunday - Watched KUNG FU PANDA 2! Would've been better with some popcorn and stuff, but yeah :P. Then after my mom WASHED MY HAIR LIKE 4 TIMES, BRITNEY'S TOO, and GAVE TRINEY A BATH, we went to Book Store (It's actually called Barnes & Noble, but that's boring). Then we went to Truc's house. We you know, like always went crazy and burned the house down. Not a big deal. LOL XD. Nah I'm just kidding, but you knew so BLAH FOR YOU.

Today? Boring.

SO YEAH. I'll tell my dad to fix my computer, if it doesn't work, then I'll try to post more on this stupid computer D:.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


LOL Truc remember that (Title) XD? LOOKY!!! I is found a this thingy ᴗ! LIKE A HAPPY FACE :D! See look! -ᴗ- instead of -.- OR Oᴗo instead of O.o OR uhhh I don't know. You figure it out :3. LOOK I FOUND THIS ϶ too! :l϶ instead of this :P? ANDD this Ϸ! :Ϸ instead of :P! LAST BUT MAYBE LEAST... כ! You know like :כ instead of :) or c:? Yes all useless BUT ohwhale.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Some people think that the world was gonna end today. WELL THEY'RE WRONG AND I'M RIGHT >:D!!! MWAHAHAHAHA XD. But really though. Why would you think the world would end on a SATURDAY?!?  If the world is gonna end, it's gonna be on a MONDAY. Probably :3. You know why? SATURDAY IS MAGICAL *Does the Saturday dancey dance... even though I don't have one*. And Monday's not. Oh yeah and... Britney likes movies about mermaids? Yeah, but no XD. THE CD WAS UNDER HER DESK. Yeah I don't get that :P. OH NOW I FORGOT WHAT I WAS GONNA SAY.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Remember that I had a concert thingy for Orchestra yesterday? Oh yeah and I had a Choir concert today also :P. So yeah here's a really confusing picture that I took before the concert.

(Picture not shown cause my computer is stupid. You know what? Just stop reading this post. None of it makes sense.)

Isn't it kinda confusing? The white blob at the top is weird like something is on fire. Are the cellos and violins on a wall? What about the feet? What do you think the white blob is? Which way do the cellos go? Comment :D? I'll tell you what it is after :P.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday Zee 13th!

Yeah it's FRIDAY! And the 13th! And that's supposed to be a bad thing I think O.o? I'm not sure why people are scared about that though :P. See look! "According to a report at National Geographic, some people are so paralyzed with fear they simply won't get out of bed." Lol they won't get out of their bed XD? Oh yeah a monster is gonna jump out under your bed and start eating you! Yeah... no offense to you if you ARE too afraid off getting out of bed right now. If you are, call your fat annoying sister to come and then get off of your bed so if the monster DOES come out, it'll eat her instead. Are you off yet? If you're dead, then um too bad. If NOTHING came, tell your sister to look for a crayon and run away.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Updog XD

Just read it it's funny XD.

You - ''Hey, want some updog?''
Person - ''What is that?''
You - ''What is what?''
Person - ''Updog?''
You - ''What about it?''
Person - ''What is it?''
You - ''What is what?''
Person - ''WHAT IS UPDOG?!''
You - ''Not much''

LOL Get it :D? Makes me laugh every time XD. If you don't get it, read it again until you get it :P. I'm so gonna do that to somebody tomorrow if I can XD. Britney didn't work >:P. Okees bye :D!


Yes I know it's not Valentines Day anymore, but you can still throw flowers at bunnies and squirrels. That wasn't what I was gonna talk about though :P. You know how when you go onto Blogger and they show you little snippets of the post? Sometimes they cut off words too. So yeah just read the picture XD.

(Picture not shown. Just use your imagination)

Yeah see the last word? The word was cut off and that happened <.< LOL XD. Here's what it really says, "booboo and skin so sad that when you hurt you have a booboo on your skin! ". Oh and that post wasn't by me (Picture isn't me) :P. That is my cousin Truc/Tracy. She just looks like me. Here's the link to her post! Click on it if you want to read the rest of her uh confusing post XD.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Yeah I've never watched Star Wars yet, but I think it's about some old man which is the good guy and a guy dressed all in black and then something about I AM YOUR FATHERR.Yep yep :D. May the Force be with you! Get it? Like May the FOURTH/FORCE? No? I just heard it from someone in my class so yeah XD. That's where I got it! So yeah just letting you know :D!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


My mom's trying to make me go to some STUPID school called Westsomethingorsomething:P. She says they are "the best school in Austin". NO MY SCHOOL RIGHT NOW IS THE BEST! If she makes me go there, I'll try to FAIL! Yeah and if she makes me go again, I'll try to fail again until she makes me go back to my regular school. Then after school, she'll make me walk home to this tutor's place! AND THERE IS NO STUPID COMPUTER THERE APPARENTLY!!! She wants me to go to this weird ugly school because she thinks I have no friends! OMG SERIOUSLY??? Just cause I don't talk at school much, doesn't mean I have no stupid friends! I have like *counts fingers* 7 friends! Yeah I don't like having a lot of friends :P. ANYWAYS BYEE!!! OFF TO IMAGINING WAYS TO GET SUSPENDED OR FAILING JUST IN CASE :D!!!


... But I'm shaving it for later. GET IT? THE PICTURE? No? I MUSTACHE you a question? SAY IT OUT LOUD AND YOU'LL GET IT :D.

Oh and apparently someone very important (I think :P) died and blah blah it's even on the radio blah blah. I don't even know who died! I think it was Spaghettio or something?